Damage Caused by the
Town of Lexington's Sewage System
This website is dedicated to Randy Halfacre, Brad Cunningham, Clifford Koon, Britt Poole, Stuart Ford, Allen Lutz, Charles Purnell, HPG and Company and Ray Freivolt. Without their inspiration, this site would not be possible
These damaged areas are in the street in front of my home. This street is owned by the taxpayers of Lexington County. The same damage is occurring on my property as well. The Town of Lexington has replaced my driveway twice since 1999 but has failed to resolve the issue. Now the Town refuses to make repairs claiming their sewage system is properly functioning.
Yep, Charles Purnell, PE, HPG and Company, put his seal on this as well Judge Thomas Rawl. Can either of you please explain why the road is sinking? The Town of Lexington paid for this assessment and I'm sure the outcome as well. An explanation would be greatly appreciated.
These Town of Lexington Administrators are prime examples of what's wrong with government in our Country today. They are sucking the hind teet of the taxpayer, typical of the greedy, corrupt, bible thumping Republicon politicians in South Carolina!!
UPDATE: The Town of Lexington's Sewer System has been classified as 'significant noncompliance'.
You can do the search yourself to verify the above information. Visit, http://www.epa-echo.gov/echo/compliance_report.html and enter the Town of Lexington's NPDES Permit # SC0026735
Here's the $40,000 consent order against the Town of Lexington for polluting 12 Mile Creek and The Old Mill Pond.
I hope no one is swimming or fishing in the discharge points!!